Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Feral's Debut Full-Length Album Aromatic Bitters

Established musicians in numerous bands, the members of Feral are certified street cats, their songs are tales of hardscrabble living, an existence on the edges of societal woes where compassion and love are a necessity of survival. Hard fought battles result in scars of character and stature, determination and gumption forces one ever forward, each step fraught with setbacks and hard lessons learned.
These are the sounds of the times we live in, dark and distressing with an optimism to turn the corner and do the best with the cards one's dealt.

With Cindy Emch - vox, guitar, Norman Carley - vox, guitar and Ed Cagnacci - backing vox, upright bass, slide guitar their sound is barebones Americana with a touch of '49er goldrush gothic folk.

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