Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sinners Tonic Debut EP

Cindy Emch and Sean Malroy [aka Sizzle] two thirds of Bay Area trio Rhubarb Whiskey, draw from a wide palette of influences, and their years as a songwriting team, to brew up this latest effort. In 2011 Rhubarb Whiskey was working on their new album and asked Sizzle to sit in and add some fiddle into the mix, and soon after was added to the band’s line-up. While RW is on a hiatus the two kindred spirits Emchy and Sizzle shared long long stories of their adventures, unearthing old musical nuggets from personal archives, and trying to figure out what it would sound like if they made thier own weird idiosyncratic version of Americana. The result is Sinners Tonic and this three song EP
Cindy Explains, "The songs are introspective, nostalgic, and above all celebrate friendship and the ways that friend love can absolutely fuel our lives and fill our souls. I wrote the barebones of the songs and lyrics while Sizzle made beautiful things happen within the arrangements. I am so proud of what we made.  The song Lansing is the oral history of my early 20's with my best friend in Michigan. Days and nights that literally saved my life and helped build me into who I am. Fog and Roses is a goodbye song written as I was driving over the Bay Bridge to the last in person Rhubarb Whiskey rehearsal before Boylamayka moved to the rust belt. The bridge full of fog, the night full of beauty, sometimes you know you'll never get another night like that again. It marks the end of an era. Whiskey & Burn Barrels was written about one of the most beautiful engagement events I'd ever attended. Dozens of friends gathered to surprise my friend with a specifically meaningful song while her love asked for her hand and whiskey was passed round. It was the longest night of the year with burn barrels blazing in West Oakland. Surrounded by tattoos, hoodies, cigarettes, and smiles I've rarely felt so much love, warmth, snark, and family." 
 Long a fan on Ms Emch's many endeavors, on Sinners Tonic she and Sizzle display a personal bond, as they weave heatfelt lyrics with thier unique intertwined instrumentation and compositions.


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